Browsing Archive: November, 2016

Digital Shamanism* and The Journals of Knud Rasmussen

Posted by Cara Mumford on Thursday, November 17, 2016, In : Raindance Postgraduate 

Avva's tells his story while the spirit of Little Avva watches © IsumaTV

(*My use of the phrase “digital shamanism” comes from this quote by Gillian Robinson (2008: 8): “Kunuk and Norman Cohn together invent a new form of visual memory, using high-definition video as digital shamanism to envision this story with so much clarity as to allow them to travel through time.”)

As part of the introductions in my Raindance Postgraduate cohort, someone asked the inevitable question about our top...

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Red Card chosen for NFB/ imagineNATIVE Interactive

Posted by Cara Mumford on Friday, November 4, 2016, In : The Red Card 

Set 150 years in the future, Red Card will immerse viewers in a time when the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg people have regained a large portion of their territory while much of world outside is in turmoil, leading many non-Indigenous people to apply for their “Red Card” and seek a life in the territory. This project will combine animation, film, concept art, and interactive elements to explore “Indigenous futurisms”―an optimistic envisioning of an insecure future through an Indigenous l...

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