International Women's Day 2013

Posted by Cara Mumford on Monday, March 11, 2013 Under: "December 6"
Last Friday, I had the honour of speaking to Women's House Serving Bruce Grey County, in the traditional territory of the Saugeen Ojibway, for their International Women's Day Celebration. The international theme this year was The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum. My interpretation of that theme was that in order to build and maintain the momentum, we need to recognize that violence affects women of all cultures, but the form of that violence often differs. We need to listen to each other, to respect and honour those differences, in order to end violence against all women.

I was delightfully surprised to be contacted by Lori Bamber regarding this event; she interviewed me for the Globe & Mail's special International Women's Day feature on Friday, March 8 (see below). I was thrilled when they included my photo from the "I Matter" campaign created by the Marsha Ellen Meidow Foundation to go accompany it. I thought it was fitting because I was planning on sharing a brief clip of the "I Matter" video in my presentation, along with "December 6" and "When It Rains." But, for me, it was far more than simply suitable because Marsha's mom, Beverly Meidow, was accompanying me to the event and Marsha's presence was strongly felt that night.

FYI, Women's House is currently redesigning their website and the new site will include "December 6," so remember to check back!

International Women's Day 2013 by

In : "December 6" 

Tags: "international women's day" iwd "marsha ellen meidow foundation" "i matter" 
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