Showing Tag: "indigenous" (Show all posts)

Indigenous Women: Agency, Creativity & Strength (presentation)

Posted by Cara Mumford on Thursday, November 13, 2014, In : "When It Rains" 

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Shaken then Stirred Up

Posted by Cara Mumford on Thursday, March 20, 2014, In : "When It Rains" 

There are some events that shake us to our core. For me, one such event happened on December 6, 1989. The Montreal Massacre.  I remember getting off the bus on a bitterly cold morning before class on December 7 (I didn’t have a TV to see the news the night before). I remember a group of women huddled together in front of the newspaper boxes, reading one paper, silent with shock. 

“Man kills 14 women in Montreal.”

But this is Canada! I thought, back when I thought that made a difference. S...

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When sleeping women wake, mountains move: #IdleNoMore

Posted by Cara Mumford on Friday, December 28, 2012, In : "When It Rains" 
As a Canadian who believes in democracy, I am beyond frustrated by Harper and his cronies running rough shod over our political system. When you have a majority government, you have a responsibility to govern for ALL of the people, not just the constituents who voted for you. But Harper's Conservatives apparently feel no such responsibility. As Elizabeth May said, "No previous Privy Council in the history of this country has ever equated an amendment to a bill between first reading and royal ...
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Reflecting Lives: New Works from Aboriginal Women

Posted by Cara Mumford on Sunday, March 11, 2012, In : "December 6" 
Now that I’ve started a blog on this website (with weekly updates when my computer doesn't crash), I’ve decided to merge the blogspot blogs that I set up for each of my festival films with this one. I might eventually migrate some of the more pertinent posts over here, as well, but in the meantime…  

My short film, "December 6," will be screening at "Reflecting Lives: New Works from Aboriginal Women," a partnership between the Winnipeg Cinematheque, Urban Shaman Gallery and imagineNATIVE...
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